7:00 AM | Registration and Breakfast |
7:55 AM | Opening Remarks |
| Dust, Weather, and Climate Co-Chairs: Amato Evan, UC San Diego and Rebecca Lybrand, UC Davis |
8:00 AM | A.1 The observations, analyses, and results from the Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation by Robert Green, NASA JPL, Invited Speaker |
8:30 AM | A.2 Three-Dimensional Transport of Saharan Dust Aerosols by African Easterly Waves: Theory and Reanalysis by Terry Nathan, UC Davis |
8:45 AM | A.3 Impacts of Dust Radiative Effects on Tropical Easterly Waves by Farnaz Hosseinpour, Desert Research Institute |
9:00 AM | A.4 Do the height and thickness of Sahara air layer matter for dust semi-direct effect over North Atlantic Ocean? by Adeyemi Adebiyi, UC Merced |
9:15 AM | A.5 Influence of CALIOP Backscatter Data Assimilation on Dust and Cloud Forecasts over North Africa and the East Atlantic by Shu-Hua Chen, UC Davis |
9:30 AM | Coffee Break |
| Dust, Weather, and Climate continued Co-Chairs: Adeyemi Adebiyi, UC Merced and Paolo D'Odorico, UC Berkeley |
9:45 AM | A.6 Overview of dust emission forecasting research at the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) by Sandra LeGrand, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center |
10:00 AM | A.7 Wind erodibility and particulate matter emissions from of dry saline-sodic soils under diverse atmospheric humidity conditions. by Tobia Rinaldo, UC Berkeley |
10:15 AM | A.8 Insights from Dust Research at the Jornada Experimental Range by Saroj Dhital, USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range |
10:30 AM | A.9 Landscape topography and regional drought events alter dust microbiomes in California’s Sierra Nevada by Mia Maltz, UC Riverside |
10:45 AM | A.10 Impacts of Long-range Transport of Dust and Mixing of Smoke from Crop Residue Burning on Air Quality, and Climate by Ramesh P Singh, Chapman University |
| Dust, Agriculture, and Renewable Energy Co-Chairs: Adeyemi Adebiyi, UC Merced and Paolo D'Odorico, UC Berkeley |
11:00 AM | B.1 Health and safety effects and annual economic cost of dust by Scott Van Pelt, USDA |
11:15 AM | B.2 Microscale analysis of mineral particles & applications to dust research by Rebecca Lybrand, UC Davis |
11:30 AM | Lunch (provided) |
1:00 PM | Posters |
| Dust impacts on air quality and disease/health/epidemology Co-Chairs: Katrina Hoyer, UC Merced and William Porter, UC Riverside |
3:00 PM | C.1 Management of Dust Emissions at the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area and the Salton Sea Shoreline by Jack Gillies, Desert Research Institute, Invited Speaker |
3:30 PM | C.2 Detection of airborne Coccidioides spores using unmanned aircraft systems in the Carrizo Plain, California: A pilot study by Sarah Dobson, University of Michigan School of Public Health |
3:45 PM | C.3 Estimating the Impacts of Climate Variability and Dust Exposure on Valley Fever Risk in Arizona by Alexandra Heaney, UC San Diego |
4:00 PM | C.4 Associations between exposure to air pollution after a dust event and hospitalizations in dust prone areas by Estrella Herrera-Molina, UC Merced |
4:15 PM | C.5 Spatial Variability of Surface/Subsurface Geochemistry of the Exposed Playa of Great Salt Lake, Utah. by Kevin Perry, University of Utah |
4:30 PM | C.6 LPS in playa dust generated from the Salton Sea microbiome drives neutrophilic pulmonary Inflammation and correlates with asthma incidence by Keziyah Yisrael, UC Riverside |
4:45 PM | C.7 Californian Haboobs: A Meteorological Analysis of Monsoonal Dust Storms in the Salton Basin by Amato Evan, UC San Diego |
5:00 PM | Panel Discussion Panelists: Pingkuan Di, California Air Resources Board; Jack Gillies, Desert Research Institute; Rob Green, JPL/NASA; Alexandra Heaney, UC San Diego; Charlie Zender, UC Irvine |
5:30 PM | Reception |